© healingsilver.eu Colloidal Silver, Colloidal Silver Generator & Accessories Last update 06-07-2016


We communicate in English - if English is not your first language or you speak other language, please email us and we will try our best to try to understand you and respond to your enquiry. m: 00-44-749-3280-499   14:00->20:00 GMT (UK) e: enquiries@healingsilver.eu

Your are important

We are happy to hear from you. We are always available to help. We try to make all the information you need available for you on our web page. Each time someone enquires about something not available on the web page - we update the web page to include that what is necessary.

Lifelong help

With every product you get a lifelong help and support. We treat our customers like friends, with bonds and responsibility


We check emails frequently to make sure we are always available. In rare cases it may take longer to respond to your enquiry.

Calling & Texting

Best time to call us is 14:00 -> 20:00 GMT (UK) Business Day - 00447493280499
© HealingSilver.eu          Last update 06-02-16


We communicate in English - if English is not your first language or you speak other language, please email us and we will try our best to try to understand you and respond to your enquiry. m: 00-44-749-3280-499   14:00->20:00 GMT (UK) e: enquiries@healingsilver.eu

Your are important

We are happy to hear from you. We are always available to help. We try to make all the information you need available for you on our web page. Each time someone enquires about something not available on the web page - we update the web page to include that what is necessary.

Lifelong help

With every product you get a lifelong help and support. We treat our customers like friends, with bonds and responsibility


We check emails frequently to make sure we are always available. In rare cases it may take longer to respond to your enquiry.

Calling & Texting

Best time to call us is 14:00 -> 20:00 GMT (UK) Business Day - 00447493280499